woensdag 7 maart 2012

Inspiration Source

Hee guys!

There are a few reasons why I made this blog. 1) To wright about my life, my view of the world whatever. 2) To inspire other people with my view of the world. And, of course, other people inspire me and I want to show you them.

Maybe you recognize them, if you click on there picture you can find there blogs. This girls inspire me with there clothes, pictures and there stories.
Besides for this girls also magazines as Cosmogirl, Glamour, Grazia and Fashionista Magazine.
Of course I also get inspired by my family, they mean a lot to me, espacially my mom en my grandma.


dinsdag 6 maart 2012

Gold Strike

Hee guys!

As you already knew, I am addicted to nailpolish! This one I borrowed from my sister. It is from the HEMA. It is a blanc nailpolish with gold glitters. Too bad that it wears off quickly. Still pretty. Why buying a really expensive nailpolish when a simple HEMA nailpolish is great too?


maandag 5 maart 2012

Horse Power

Hee guys!

Yesterday I went shopping, again.. I think I am going to be a real shopaholic, but is that a bad thing? I just love to shop and to buy beautifal clothes, bags, shoes and accesoires.
So this shirt is my newest acquisition. I just love the horse print. No, I am not into horses, but it makes me look so cute. Btw, I bought this shirt at Bella. It is almost the same as vanJans but than better!


vrijdag 2 maart 2012


Primark, Primark
Six, Six
Six, H&M

Hee guys!
There is one thing I am totally obsessed with: jewels! Especially rings. Here some pictures of my rings from my 'collection'. Like?

donderdag 1 maart 2012


Hee guys!
I'm so sorry that i didn't blog for a while. I had a so called "winterdip". But I'm back now.
I'm ready to blog again about fashion, beauty and a lott of other girly stuff. Talk to you soon again.